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Product Spotlight: Bradley

Experience the future of hand washing with the all-in-one Advocate Lavatory System. By placing a more efficient, completely touchless soap dispenser, sink and hand dryer side by side, we've given users more personal space, while keeping water off the floor and eliminating towel usage. With the Advocate, everything's within reach for the ultimate in cutting costs and cleaning time.

The Advocate AV-Series offers convenience and cost savings like no other product on the market. Having a dryer at each hand washing station offers end-users their own personal space in a public place, while at the same time eliminating the need and costs associated with paper towels. In most cases, the Advocate Lavatory can be installed with hand dryers at each station for around the same price as an equal product offering with fewer hand dryers.

A Video Montage of the Impressions that the Advocate Lavatory System made at Greenbuild 2012.

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